To setup your first app template layout, you need to have NodeJS installed including access to npx command line
npx xircus dust-template
Installed Dependencies
TanStack Query
Xircus SDK & Xircus React
Xircus TON React
Dust Chakra
Dust Chakra Component
The DUST Architecture
The block editor provider, fully integrated with Xircus React & SDK. Contains pre-built functions for reusability
DustProvider - loads all necessary data to compose the page and blocks
Dust Chakra
The chakra UI provider for Dust.
DustEditor - in-app editing controls (optional)
DustChakraProvider - manages the chakra UI and layouts that is built on Chakra components
Dust Radix
Dust Material
Dust Chakra Components
Contains UI components that can be integrated with any blocks.
Contains the following blocks:
Common Blocks
The DustProvider
import { setupSDK, tonClient } from "@xircus-web3/ton-react"
import { DustProvider } from "@xircus-web3/dust"
import { DustChakraProvider, DustEditor } from "@xircus-web3/dust-chakra"
import { COMMON_DEFS, NAV_DEFS, DustEditorPublisher } from "@xircus-web3/dust-chakra-ton"
// Prepares the app to load the Xircus TON SDK
const sdk = setupSDK("ton", { ton: tonClient })
// Contains the UI defaults when adding blocks to page
const UI_DEFS = {
// contains your
const LAYOUTS = {
MemeLayout: <GramLayout headers={{}} footers={{}} sections={{}} />
// your app metadata, extracted from contract or Xircus GraphQL Providers
const app = {}
export default function DustApp({ router }) {
return (
head={Head}> // optional for dynamic title
<DustChakraProvider layouts={LAYOUTS}>
<DustEditorPublisher />
The DustComponent component
import { DustComponent } from "@xircus-web3/dust-chakra-component"
export const WalletManagerDefs = {
name: 'WalletManager', // Name of the component
label: 'Wallet Manager', // Display name of the component in editor
image: 'IPFS_HASH' // hash of the ipfs or leave as blank
theme: {
wrap: {}
data: {
title: {}
// Fields displays the right editing controls, check EditableFields
const fields = {
title: 'String'
// The label of the controls (optional)
const labels = {
title: 'Title'
export const WalletManager = props => (
<DustComponent props={props} fields={fields} labels={labels}>
// Your component goes here