Auction Instant
This auction type is best for raising seed or pre-seed funds without the fear of reaching a soft cap to finalize.
Contributions are instantly distributed to wallet recipients
No soft cap required but stops at max allocation based on the total asset balance of the contract
Instant Jetton Airdrop if claimTime is zero, otherwise redeem on claim time
Referral incentive if finderPerc is set
Multiple Wallet Recipients but required total share is 100% at 100_00bps
Max of 4,000 whitelist addresses for non-shard contract, 1 whitelist per address afterwards
Creates a shard child contract that contains the contributor shares, contribution, claims, claim time, and whitelist status, with operations such as redeem and withdraw. Whitelisting in shard requires to initialize a child contract for 0.05 TON for every address to be whitelisted.
Shares, contribution, claims, claim time, and whitelist status are added in the HashMap residing in the parent contract. Whitelisting is sent in one operation prior to the start of the auction or before any contribution made with max limit of 4,000 addresses following a cell format
Min Amount
Max Amount
Max Allocation
Start Time
End Time
Claim Time
Status -> 0 - New, 1 - Completed, 2 - Cancelled
Whitelisting -> 0 - Off, 1 - OnChain, 2 - OffChain
Vesting -> 0 - False, 1 - True
Rate -> Coins
Start Time -> Unix
End Time -> Unix
Claim Time -> Unix
Min Amount -> Coins
Max Amount -> Coins
Max Allocation -> Coins
Finder Perc -> 100_00bps, 16bit
Wallets -> Array { address, share } (requires 100%, 100_00bps)
Total Contributors
Total Coins
Total Allocations / Shares
Total Released Allocations
Last updated